19 set 2011

Negima 338 - SPOILER

In questo post troverete tutti gli spoiler relativi a Negima 338.

Ecco i primi spoiler da aquastar forum e animesuki forum

-- Fate the teacher (death level) chalk attack.
-- Ayaka teaming up with Negi for space development with the goal of TERRAFORMING MARS.
-- Chiu is the main lead this chapter, including fan service after a Negi sneeze.
-- 339 will involve Ken doing BIG BACKGROUNDS, this mean we will be entertained by a new location, (space station? Ayaka Enterprise?) Negi's plan to save Mars should be forthcoming.

338 is Chisame chapter. Also, "Project Blue Mars". Another WOOORDS chapter. - vetus.wordpress.com

RAW: http://mangahead.com/Manga-Raw-Scan/Mahou-Sensei-Negima/Mahou-Sensei-Negima-338-Raw-Scan

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